miércoles, 10 de julio de 2019

Fight Club

A series that I have enjoyed watching is "Merlí". Pol Rubio, Merlí and Bruno Bergeron are the main characters of the series. This series is of the dramatic genre and juvenile comedy. Basically, the story is about a philosophy professor named Merlí who starts working in a new school and revolutionizes the system there, especially because it revolutionizes students. Each of his students has complex and different stories, but it is Merli who relates to his students beyond his role as teacher, he becomes a friend to his students, someone to trust and feel close to. That's why the series really like me a lot.

miércoles, 19 de junio de 2019

My favourite place

One of my favourite places is Cajon del Maipo. This place is an Andean canyon located 15 kilometers southeast of Santiago. I love this place because it is very relaxing for my spirit and soul in at all times of my life. I'm very happy when I go to Cajón del Maipo, because there is a river called Río Maipo and I can swim in its pure waters. Cajón del Maipo has a lot of nature and food stores for you to go with someone. You can also stay there a long time if you decided to camp, and this is very usual for the people. As well, personally it is a place that is near Puente alto, and I live there, so it is comfortable to arrive there.

This place has a green mist due to its nature, therefore it's make possible practice different activities as canpoy, rafting, trekking, and cavalcade for example. Cajón del Maipo turn into of my favourite places and for me it's so nice visit it.

miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2019

My hobbie

For many years I practiced many sports; some of them I liked, and others no very much. 
When I was proximately 9 years old I used to practice football, but I wasn't very good in this sport, and today I don't like watching or practicing football. When I was 12 or 13 years old, I wanted to try taekwondo, but it did not work. 
After trying football, I wanted try volleyball. At the beginning it was very difficult, but I improved month by month, until it became in my favorite sport since 14 years old. The person who I was playing is my bestfriend Paulina. We played in anyplace; together went to many scolar championships. 

This sport is very funny, but at the beginning it's very hard learning.  I'm practice volleyball the days Tuesdays and Thursdays in the selection of my faculty. 
The reasons for I love my sport is because I have learning too much about values, for example, about the patience, confidence, responsability, respect, tolerance and honesty. Other reason is because I have learning about the workteam, in the trainings and in the competitions, and  being able to control my nerves and my mind in these circumstances. 
The third reason is because the volleyball help me which a distraction so much, and finish off with my stress every weeks. 

Resultado de imagen para volleyball

jueves, 25 de abril de 2019

My favorite piece of technology

One of my favorites pieces of technology is a cellphone I can to do anything that I need. 

It helps me to take pictures, contact my friends, read news, listen to music, find a location, among other activities. In the day to day my cell phone is quite useful to perform various functions and that are facilitated. It is also my favorite piece because it can be transported easily and conveniently.

miércoles, 17 de abril de 2019

The reason of my career

 When I had to finally decide a career for me, I had many doubts and questions, thus, I was really confused, but I decided finally study Architecture because is a career that have a lot of different things and areas of my interest, but it wasn't a easy choose in that moment. I had two options, Achitecture and Anthropology, both at the Universidad de Chile, but I thinked that I could include areas of Anthropology career in Architecture career.  

I have been always interested for the humanism, and always I tried include it in my life. I Also like draw and paint and use my hands for create new things. I also think that all of person of the world deserve live in a comfortable place and live with dignity independent of his social position.

miércoles, 10 de abril de 2019

My Autobiography

My name is Jazmín Alejandra Quevedo Arroyo, I was born on July 30, 1999 in Santiago of Chile. I live with my mom, my brother, my grandmother and my puppy called Gema in Puente Alto commune since I was three years old. I graduated from high school in 2017 and actually I'm student of Architecture carreer in the Universidad de Chile since 2018.

My hobbie since I was 14-15 years is the volleyaball, but actually I'm not pratice this sport because the free time that I have in the university is so litle. However, I am trying to train for th selection of my faculty on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I really want keep training, because is a time for my recreation of the university.